Program committee

Name Affiliation
Vaishnavi Sundararajan UC Santa Cruz
Uday Khedker IIT Bombay
Tyler Sorensen chair UC Santa Cruz
Thomas Gilray University of Alabama at Birmingham
Sorav Bansal Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Raffi Khatchadourian City University of New York (CUNY) Hunter College
Prashant Rawat Meta
Nuno P. Lopes University of Lisbon
Marija Selakovic TU Darmstadt
Maria A Schett Google
Kristopher Micinski Syracuse University
Jubi Taneja chair Microsoft Research
Eric Koskinen Stevens Institute of Technology
Cormac Flanagan UC Santa Cruz
Chandrakana Nandi Certora Inc.
Anton Podkopaev HSE University
Andrew Quinn University of California, Santa Cruz
Alastair Donaldson Imperial College London / Google